On the banks of the Loire, a kangaroo!


All around us, it is Chalonnes-sur-Loire, Rochefort-sur-Loire, Saint-Georges-sur-Loire, Mauges-sur-Loire, Montjran-sur-Loire... in short, it is clear, the Loire is not far away!

And you, you walk quietly along a very nice walking tour, in La Possonnière, in the middle of all these villages on the Loire.


Then, there, peaceful... a kangaroo!

You are in the kangaroo garden... yes, in an 8-hectare park, located in a small valley, visitors can observe them directly, without fences or barriers. There are about a hundred of them walking around too, from small jumps to small jumps, in complete freedom!

Enjoy it, and enjoy this unusual and bucolic walk!


The kangaroo garden
Route de Savennières
49170 La Possonnière
Tél. : 02 41 72 65 50





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