The boat that runs at the bottom, from Saint-Vaast to Tatihou Island

From Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue to the island of Tatihou, take this unusual shuttle that takes you, high tide, sailing on the waves and can bring you back, low tide, while driving among the oyster beds!



To get to Tatihou Island, you must first pass through Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, if only to take the shuttle. But it would be a real shame to do only that....

You are, however, in front of "the most beautiful harbour in France", if we are to believe our friend Vauban who, obviously, built something there... He was like that, they had to build everywhere! In short, in this case, he built a tower which, with his twin sister on Tatihou Island, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

And you are also in "the favourite village of the French", a title obtained after a hard vote, as part of Stéphane Bern's show.....

So I could talk to you about the spirit of the bargemen, to find among the activities of the port, oyster beds that are discovered at low tide... but I think I'll just mention the Gosselin house, an old grocery store, still in operation, and whose good connoisseurs indicate that you should plan a good hour to visit it, and do some unusual shopping there !


The island of Tatihou

Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is very small and quiet!

You can visit a very, very unusual garden... we are in Morbihan, but it is a Moroccan garden! 

Very well exposed, its shape, like the plants it has, are very characteristic of the gardens of the coastal fringe, rather hinterland, of Morocco...! And yes... 

Don't miss the exciting cultural space of the museum, which shows, for example, how man benefits from technologies derived from living things, among other things... and then there is also the carpentry workshop... and then... and then...


Bureau d'Information Touristique 
1, place du Général de Gaulle
50550 Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue
Tél. : 02 33 71 99 71



To go further....

L'Ile de Tatihou

Click on the image

Le 2 juin 1692, six vaisseaux de la flotte de Tourville, échoués sur l'île de Tatihou, sont brûlés par les chaloupes de la flotte anglo-hollandaise. L'ingénieur De Combes, élève de Vauban, propose de construire un port à la Hougue et des tours pour défendre la rade. Fabrice Moireau a troqué sa veste de toile contre la vareuse des soldats du roi. Perché au sommet de la tour massive construite par l'ingénieur De Combes, il entend au loin les bruits sourds du canon. Le soir venu, la ronde des goélands a quelque chose d'inquiétant. Arcs plein cintre, mâchicoulis, pont-levis, meurtrières, cornes de brume... Par la magie du dessin, de l'esquisse, de l'aquarelle, vous vous surprenez, vous aussi, à scruter l'horizon. Mieux vaut être prudent ! Fabrice Moireau travaille ses dessins avec une précision d'orfèvre. Les couleurs chaudes et subtiles de sa palette donnent épaisseur et densité à ses itinéraires de poète et d'aventurier. Un régal. L'île de Tatihou est protégée depuis 1990 par le Conservatoire du littoral et le Conseil général de la Manche.

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