Abilly... understand archaeology for real...

Abilly: Initially, a "normal" archaeological site

At first, we dig!

In 1980, on the Abilly side, a very rich archaeological layer was identified, and an excavation campaign was launched. It will last for 10 years.

And the place is already a pedagogical work, since visitors are welcomed even during the excavations.

First unusual element!

Abilly: on arrival, a very unusual archaeological site

A Neolithic workshop-habitat was therefore discovered and excavated from top to bottom, removing, as they were found, objects, building elements, etc....

And when this work was completed... we put everything back in place!

Indeed, to show what this construction was like, sediments, materials, etc. were put back in place.... poles and floors were reconstructed... finally, the approach is not as unusual as it seems: it has a very clear educational objective.

For the other three buildings on the site, each dating from different periods, the remains are presented as they were discovered.

Abilly: a truly pedagogical approach

The whole is presented under the name of L'Archéolab, an unusual museum built on the archaeological site of Le Petit Paulmy in Abilly, which presents "in situ" the techniques and methods of archaeological excavation, and workshops designed to address the daily lives of Paleolithic and Neolithic men.

It is an extremely useful complement to the visit to the Museum of Prehistory, which is not very far away in the Grand-Pressigny.

It is open to all in July and August, and to groups throughout the rest of the year.


Archaeolab - Archaeological Site Museum
Little Paulmy
37160 Abilly
Tél. : 02 47 91 91 07 48


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator




To go further....

Le Petit Paulmy, Abilly (Indre-et-Loire) : Un habitat du Néolithique final de la région pressignienne

Click on the image

Le Grand-Pressigny Le château Le musée de préhistoire Indre-et-loire /

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Carte archéologique de la Gaule, numéro 37. Indre et Loire

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