Bretèche tile factory

In Sologne, there is no mountain, no cliff, and no stone quarry. To build, it's a real tile, well, since that's the way it is, we're going to make some (tiles!).

Almost since Asterix....

Well, not really since Asterix, since, as is well known, he is Breton and not Solognot! But, let's say, from his cousins.

Indeed, bricks and tiles are typical building materials of Sologne. 

It is true that this region of forests and ponds, if it does not offer any kind of stone that could be used for construction, has, on the other hand, different kinds of clay, and, the clay, worked according to the rules of the art, and fired, it makes tiles, and bricks.

And Asterix' cousins understood that, of course!

An impressive development

At first, bricks and tiles were reserved for prestigious buildings, lords' residences, castles and churches.

The small people of the villages were satisfied with walls made of sections of wood and cob (the cob being, in essence, cut straw mixed with clay).

And then, with the economic expansion, the brick and tile factories that were only about thirty just before the French revolution found themselves at over 500 at the beginning of the 20th century.

And the villages began to look like Solognese villages (!), adorned with all the flamed colours of the bricks...

An impressive disappearance

But, little by little, the construction techniques changed (and there were no more castles to build!).

Result: there is only one and only brickworks in operation, the Tuilerie de la Bretèche. So, of course, it keeps an old brick kiln dating back to 1890, and it is listed in the repertoire of historical monuments, which is always a pleasure, but also marks that we are more from the early days!

That said, it continues its activities with high quality products, the result of preserved know-how. And the list of his references, which can be seen on his website, is constantly growing with prestigious names!

The stages of the manufacturing process

And, in this very old environment, it is really interesting to discover the different stages of manufacturing, as it has always been practiced, the extraction of clay, mixing, stamping, drying and firing. Then to admire the results obtained.

And if you like materials, colours and drawings, don't miss the exhibition of the Sologne Museum, Cera'brick, from clay to architecture, with about 7000 pieces on display!


Tuilerie de la Bretèche
45240 Ligny-le-Ribault
Tél. : 02 38 45 43 88


Musée de Sologne 
Moulin du Chapitre
41206 Romorantin-Lanthenay 
Tél.. : 02 54 95 33 66


Fabrique Normant
2, Avenue François Mitterrand
41200 Romorantin-Lanthenay,
Tél.. : 02 34 06 10 34




To go further....

Une Sologne de brique et de bois : Maisons & Villages

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De l'époque gallo-romaine à nos jours, nous suivrons l'évolution des constructions des maisons au cœur des villages solognots. Dans ce pays où la pierre n'existe pas, nous découvrirons les fermes, les granges, les moulins, les maisons de bois (qui reviennent à la mode), les tuileries et les briqueteries. Nous irons également à la rencontre du petit patrimoine qui fait toute l'identité solognote : cul de loup, lavoirs, pigeonniers, caquetoirs... Cet ouvrage servira de référence sur l'histoire de l'habitat solognot, et sur son évolution jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
La Sologne

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La Sologne… ses antiques maisons à pans de bois, ses petits villages de brique fauve et ses cinq cents châteaux perdus dans les bois témoignent d'une authentique culture de l'adaptation à un terroir réputé ingrat. Amoureux d'un paysage qu'il aime raconter et décrypter, Pierre Aucante ouvre des fenêtres de lumière dans les frondaisons, écarte les branches pour nous faire sentir le coeur palpitant de cette Sologne sauvage.
250 lieux, personnages, moments: Patrimoine en Beauce, Berry, Gâtinais, Perche, Sologne, Touraine

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Revisitant l’histoire à l’échelle régionale, ce livre vise à révéler la richesse du patrimoine du Centre-Val de Loire.
Un livre qui s’adresse aux lecteurs locaux mais aussi à tous les curieux, voyageurs et touristes attirés par l’incomparable chapelet d’abbayes, de châteaux et de cathédrales, amoureux du val de Loire et du Berry, passionnés d’art ou de littérature, d’histoire culturelle ou de géographie, d’architecture ou de paysages, de patrimoine naturel et industriel ou de viticulture et de gastronomie ligérienne.

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Bretèche tile factory

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