Unusual Vendée : the gourmet mill

In addition to the traditional discovery of the art of milling, the unusual aspect of the visit lies in a sound, olfactory and tactile approach.

Sound, because each mechanical part has a particular sound, a cracking, a squeaking.... At times, a bell rings in the mill, it's up to you to discover why!

Olfactory, with the scent of wheat transformed into flour, wood and fat.

Tactile, because the miller will feel, compact and brush the flour, gestures that allow him to evaluate its quality, and that he makes discover.

In addition, children can discover the donkey park, the goat pen, and the interesting cereal labyrinth.

And why this name, the Moulin des Gourmands?

Go to the bakery at Le Moulin to get pastries, bread and pastries or to the restaurant to enjoy pancakes and pizzas!



To go further....

Petite Histoire de Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie

Click on the image

Gilles indiquent, à n’en pas douter, que toute la région avoisinant cette localité a été très anciennement peuplée. D’après la tradition il avait existé à l’embouchure de la Vie qui formait alors un vaste estuaire, un grand port qui s’étendait jusqu’à Rié qui était alors le centre le plus considérable de la contrée.
Voici contée l’histoire de Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie.

Also to be seen in the department

Historial de la Vendée

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