"Le Voyage à Nantes"

A journey on foot, with many facets, during which we constantly discover, with pleasure, interest, and renewed surprise...

Unusual and paradoxical....

It is true that "Le Voyage à Nantes", by its diversity, among other things, is a particularly unusual experience. But it is at the same time quite paradoxical to have to note the unusual nature of this "journey", insofar as, in reality, we can only be surprised that it has not become commonplace, i.e. that many other cities in France have not adopted its principles. Too bad....

"Le Voyage à Nantes", the principle.

The principle is a green line.
This green line, painted on the ground, in the middle of pedestrian streets or on sidewalks, guides you for a dozen kilometres, along more than 60 points of interest, each with an explanatory panel.

The site of the "journey" describes this "scattered monument" best:

« Le Voyage à Nantes" is a permanent offer: a "scattered monument" stretching over 12 kilometres. A green line drawn on the ground leads all year round from a work signed by a great artist of today to a remarkable part of the heritage, from the "must-see" of the destination to unknown treasures, from a historic alleyway to contemporary architecture, from an amazing view of the city to an incredible sunset over the estuary ».

Yes, "Le Voyage à Nantes" is exactly that, a journey that is at once cultural, artistic, heritage, natural, historical... and we could continue to list the adjectives so diverse is the whole!

To note a real attention, here again unusual when it should be banal, brought to the various handicaps: in addition to the brochure describing "Le Voyage à Nantes", a second brochure was published, guide to accessibility, which indicates, place by place, what has been done, and possible difficulties, plus the percentage of slope of ascents and descents, and the location of the adapted toilets. Hats off!

This trip is long-lasting, you can do it all year round.

"Le Voyage à Nantes", some pictures.

I have selected some images from the official website, and I have added some personal photos.
I also propose, but with hesitation, two videos that were made in 2018, on this trip. This is the first one, and this is the second.
With hesitation? Yes because, no matter how well they are done, they cannot make the multiple richness of the real journey real!

Finally, I propose another video, which can help you to dig a little deeper, prepare, and participate yourself: it is a platform called "Nantes Patrimonia" and you will find the description in this video.

The video at the end of the article offers a simple walk recounted by a former Nantes resident.


Le Voyage à Nantes
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To go further....

Sur le Fil: Une autre histoire du Voyage à Nantes

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Lors du Voyage à Nantes, les habitants, les visiteurs, les touristes suivent la ligne verte tracée au sol... Un fil qui guide les curieuses et les curieux à travers la ville. Sur le Fil est une tout autre histoire du Voyage à Nantes... Une ligne blanche fait son apparition un matin. Un fil qui sillonne la ville de part et d'autre. Un fil qui attire, qui attise. Mais quel est-il ? Où va-t-il ? Et vers quoi va-t-il mener chaque habitant de la ville ? Une nouvelle (de fiction) et 30 photographies (prises lors du Voyage à Nantes 2015) vont vous le révéler.
Voyage à Nantes

Click on the image

Au cours du XIXe siècle, nombreux sont les écrivains qui ont franchi les portes de Nantes à la recherche de son histoire, à la découverte de son architecture ou pour le simple plaisir de la connaître. Mérimée, Flaubert et Du Camp, Stendhal et même Georges Sand ont résidé quelques jours au célèbre Hôtel de France, place Graslin. Observateurs amusés, déçus ou conquis, ils nous ont laissé leurs impressions à travers des récits de voyage, des lettres, des nouvelles ou même à travers leurs romans.
Plus tard dans le siècle, la physionomie de la ville change, sa société également. D'autres écrivains viendront à nouveau la contempler, tenter de la comprendre. Daudet, Vallès ou Bazin y posent des regards plus réalistes, plus rudes, plus intimes aussi. Pour Jules Verne, Nantes restera à jamais cette porte ouverte sur le lointain, l'aventure, l'imagination sans limites.

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