The Loire Atlantique Ecomuseum

Among the articles devoted to the "Grand Ouest" ecomuseums, all unique and unusual, here is the Loire Atlantique ecomuseum

Ecomuseums, or the sharing of human memory

Since 1968, ecomuseums have become a national and international phenomenon. There are about 300 in the world, including 200 in Europe (including one in Loire Atlantique!). Their actions: research, presentation, conservation and enhancement of properties, activities, crafts, know-how, in short, the tangible and intangible heritage of a region or a population. 

As a result, each of them is rich in its own unique and unusual particularities.
The  « Grand Ouest Insolite », therefore, presents them.

Department by department, you will find the list of ecomuseums, addresses, useful links, and a small description taken from their websites, or documents dedicated to them. 

If you want to discover them all, type "eco-museums" in the small search tool at the top of each page, to the right of the  « Grand Ouest Insolite » logo

Écomusée de Saint-Nazaire 

On the banks of the Loire estuary, the Ecomuseum traces the history of Saint-Nazaire, its port and its major industries. Documents and collectibles bear the story of a city open to the world. Large models, paintings, posters, photographs, technical objects (lighthouse optics, foghorn, shipbuilding tools), all illustrate facets of the Nazi adventure.

The permanent exhibition "Mémoire d'Estuaire" covers 550 m² and covers the main themes of Saint-Nazaire's history, from prehistory to the present day. The history of the port's creation in the 19th century and its development with the port and maritime professions are evoked by ship models and original illustrations. The "Musée de France" label has been awarded by the Ministry of Culture. The major phases of the technical and human evolution of the naval and aeronautical industries in Saint-Nazaire are retraced with the presentation of models of famous ships including Normandy (1935) and France (1962), wind tunnel models of the first Loire seaplanes of the 1930s. The pre-war city, then the city of reconstruction with the history of its inhabitants, are represented by archival films and unpublished documents.

The ecomuseum also has a documentation centre open to the public, including a photo library of 45,000 archival images on the naval and aeronautical industries, the history of the port and the city, specific books and documentary files on the same themes.


Possibility of consultation on site, only by appointment.


Saint-Nazaire Agglomération Tourisme
3, boulevard de la Légion d’Honneur
Ecomusée avenue de Saint-Hubert
(sur le port autonome)
44613 Saint-Nazaire cedex

Tél. : 02 28 54 06 40



To go further....

Guide Pays de la Loire

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Les Pays de la Loire… S’initier au kitesurf à La Baule, flâner passage Pommeraye, visiter le palais de fantaisie de Robert Tatin, dormir parmi les ours au Zoo de La Flèche, écouter des chants grégoriens à l’abbaye de Solesmes, déguster un savennières dans les vignes, pagayer dans le marais poitevin…
Toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour réussir et profiter de votre séjour Pratique Des centaines d'adresses authentiques choisies par nos auteurs-voyageurs.
Petit Futé Loire-Atlantique

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Loire-Atlantique les 30 plus beaux sentiers

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