Daddy stings and Mommy sews....

« Papa pique et Maman coud » as the song says! 

Yes, but for that to happen, they need need needles.
No problem, they visited a very unusual factory, since it is the last needle factory in France, Bohin!
And they made their own this slogan from the distant days of the industrial revolution: "To sew fast, to sew well, choose BOHIN" 


A region that is favourable... to pins!

The soil is rich in iron ore, and all around it there are forests for wood and rivers for water.
As a result, the Eagle became the historical capital for the manufacture of pins and needles. And that's not nothing: in 1747, there were 450 "pins", with 6000 employees!
But, well, not everything is rosy either, with, in particular, competition from foreign countries that already practice social dumping!

In short, in 1866, Benjamin Bohin bought the current factory, modernized it and developed it enormously. 

He is an intrepid, innovative, and visionary character to whom we owe, among other things, the safety pin, and this incredibly premonitory phrase, a reflection on one of his many journeys: "Let us not forget that open China will force us to live a short life by the competition they will make us everywhere by spreading all over the universe". Good point!


You can't imagine how complicated it is to make a pin!

As for the last factory in France, it can be said, of course, that its visit is very unusual, but beyond that, it is very surprising...

It is possible to visit it at the same time as the workers are on site and working.
And then we discover all the complexity of this manufacturing, which goes through... 27 steps!
In video, discover, for example, step 4, trimming, or sawing and winnowing, or stitching, step 26!


A very modern visit....

Although these are very old skills and machines that are no less old, the visit also shows that the company has always been firmly at the forefront of modern technology. 

You will see, for example, a virtual tour of an exhibition, and children will be able to discover an augmented reality journey!


1, Le Bourg 
61300 Saint-Sulpice-sur-Risle
Tél. :



To go further....

Bohin Enfileur d'aiguille Automatique

Click on the image

Normalement, cette rubrique « Pour aller plus loin… » vous présente des livres sélectionnés pour leur intérêt par rapport au sujet de l’article correspondant.
Mais, là, j’ai eu envie de faire une exception !
Faute de trouver un livre sur l’histoire de l’entreprise Bohin, par exemple, je vous présente l’un de ses petits produits annexes, qui m’a amusé, un enfileur d’aiguilles automatique !
J’espère qu’il vous fera sourire aussi !
Guide des travaux d'aiguilles : Pour tout apprendre en 107 leçons

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Cet ouvrage est destiné à toutes celles qui veulent se lancer dans les travaux d'aiguilles, que ce soit en couture, patchwork, broderie, crochet ou tricot sans en connaître toutes les techniques. Voici 107 leçons détaillées avec des schémas pratiques pour vous guider dans votre apprentissage. Vingt ouvrages pour permettre de créer et d'appliquer les leçons. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à vous installer : sortez tissus, aiguilles, fils, crochet, ciseaux et mercerie... Et lancez-vous !
L'Orne à tire-d'aile

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En survolant l’Orne avec ses cerfs-volants et son appareil photo pendant deux années, François Levalet nous invite à découvrir un département merveilleux, une mosaïque de paysages ponctués de monuments insolites. À mi-chemin entre terre et ciel, ses photographies portent un regard original et poétique et nous emmènent dans un voyage inattendu au-dessus de l’Orne.

Also to be seen in the department

Carte interactive des Musées

Normandy: a network of 60 museums

label Tourism, sports and cultural activities Museums & Collections  

The ecomuseums of the Orne

label Tourism, sports and cultural activities Small trades People from here Museums & Collections  

Beware of the Table to the Devil(s) of the Passais Woods!

placePassais - Orne 
label Major sites Archaeology and old stones People from here Legends, stories & Treasures Religious, mystical & pagan cults  
La manufacture Bohin

Daddy stings and Mommy sews....

placeSaint-Sulpice-sur-Risle - Orne 
label Small trades People from here Amazing... isn't it?  

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