Does the enchanter Merlin have a tomb?

Legends and spells

We are here in the heart of the forest of legends, in the heart of the Brocéliande forest. We see knights of the Grail, King Arthur, Lancelot du Lac... and then Merlin, the enchanter Merlin.

The enchanter Merlin, and the fairy Viviane... Everyone knows that the enchanter had fallen in love with the fairy Viviane, and that it was even for this reason that, little by little, he had withdrawn from the world. Yes, but the fairy Viviane wanted to keep it, and, from a spell of which she had the secret, she imprisoned it in an envelope of air. Others say that it was actually a stone prison, a tomb rock. And others, as romantic as they wish, have said that the fairy Viviane herself had taken the form of a rock, her own, and that of Merlin the enchanter, side by side, thus being united for eternity!

And it is these two rocks, leaning towards each other, that we see in the clearing designated as the site of these legendary events.


A little more pragmatic

These two rocks would, in reality, be the ruins of a megalithic construction dating back to the Neolithic period, which originally appeared as two covered alleys designated as "Merlin's tomb" for one, and "Vivian's tomb" for the other.

Only one was described, around 1920, as an alley about 10.50 m long, made of blocks of purple shale.

The current "Tomb of Merlin" is located in the national forest of Paimpont towards Saint-Malon-sur-Mel, at the place called "La Marette" near the hamlet of Les Landelles in Paimpont. The site, close to the road, is equipped with trails and information panels.


A little less pragmatic

The site welcomes many visitors.

We can notice that a holly foot grows between the two rocks, and allows its visitors to hang small papers carrying the wishes they want to see granted, or small offerings...

We may also notice that some people circle around these two rocks, and, don't worry, that's normal. Indeed, it is well planned that, if you turn around seven times (some say twelve times), Merlin the enchanter, in person, appears!


To go further....

Merlin l'enchanteur : Ou l'éternelle quête magique

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Merlin ou le savoir du monde

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Personnage mystérieux né d'un démon et d'une vierge, prophète du Graal, initiateur de la Table ronde, Merlin, grande figure de l'épopée arthurienne, a acquis une popularité qui, au cours des siècles, l'a fait accéder au statut de véritable mythe littéraire.
S'appuyant sur la littérature - dont le célèbre Merlin de Robert de Boron -, la civilisation celtique et les traditions populaires, Philippe Walter nous offre, en grand médiéviste, une brillante étude sur cet énigmatique devin.
Les 21 règles de vie de l'enchanteur : La Prophétie de Merlin, le chaman celte, pour un monde moderne

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C'est dans le chaos de la décadence de l'Empire romain que Merlin apparaît, guide et passeur. II est immergé dans une terrible période de notre civilisation où le désordre et le manque de repères nourrissent la malveillance, la violence et le rejet de l'autre. Autant de fléaux qui engendrent la perte des valeurs humanistes. Ce roman d'une formidable actualité rend son identité historique à Merlin, le Chaman Celte, au travers d'aventures palpitantes et inattendues, riches de guérisons, bien utiles pour notre monde contemporain. La Prophétie de Merlin nous livre vingt et une règles de vie concrètes à appliquer dans notre vie.
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