Saint-Quay-Portrieux is celebrating with a shell!

The capital ?

Saint-Quay-Portrieux would be the capital of the scallop. Now, the subject is so delicate that it should not be said too loudly, otherwise you risk being hit on the head by another Breton port, or even by the Normandy region... !

And let's not even talk about the treacherous Albion, yes, those Englishmen who burned Joan of Arc and whom we finally cut out of France... we probably didn't cut them far enough, since they come, without faith or law (and when we say "nor law" it's exactly that!) to fish for scallops almost under the nose of our brave sailors who, for their part, respect extremely strict fishing rules !

Overall, let us say that the Bay of Saint-Brieuc is the main source of scallops in France.


Fishing for scallops

The fishing period runs from October to April but, be careful, boats can only go out twice a week, and can only fish for 45 minutes at each trip. And it's even monitored by helicopter!

The boats leave around five o'clock, and they're going to need between one and two hours to be on the fishing grounds.

At the scheduled time, the dredges are launched for a "tow" that lasts about 10 minutes. Intense agitation to accomplish, as quickly as possible, all the necessary operations: take care of the winch, hoist the dredges, empty them, put them back in the water, sort the shells since all those under 10.2 cm are directly put back in the water, clean those that are kept, bag them... really no time to think about seasickness !

Speaking of seasickness, it is guaranteed just by watching the video of Christophe Yaudet that goes with this article!


Return to port

It is very interesting to see the return to the port of the boats, the landing of the shells, the auction. However, don't expect to buy a basket of them, because auction sales are reserved for professionals.


The party !

It is a "rotating" festival since, if it takes place every year in April, it is held successively in the three shellfish ports of the bay, Saint-Quay-Portrieux, Erquy, and Paimpol. Sale of fresh shell, of course, tasting, of course, but also concerts of a Breton festival, sea outings...


Esplanade of the Port of Armor

22410 Saint-Quay-Portrieux

Tel : 02 96 70 40 64


To go further....

Les meilleures recettes de coquilles Saint-Jacques

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L'Académie Culinaire de la Coquille Saint Jacques de Nantes nous propose de découvrir ce coquillage à la saveur fine et à la chair délicate. Elle nous présente 36 recettes originales et raffinées, des plus simples aux plus élaborées.
La Coquille Saint-Jacques - Recettes normandes et tours de main

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Cet ouvrage n'est pas un livre de cuisine comme les autres. En effet, au-delà des recettes régionales testées et approuvées par les plus fins palais, c est la mise en valeur des produits qui sera sublimée.

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Les coquilles Saint-Jacques sont une formidable source de créativité culinaire. Les gourmets la guettent dès l'automne. Cuisinée crue, snackée, pochée, ébouillantée, la coquille Saint-Jacques est une magicienne qui inspire chaque année les meilleurs cuisiniers. Trop Bon ! La Coquille Saint-Jacques nous délivre une trentaine de belles recettes, simples et terriblement efficaces.
Recettes aux coquilles Saint Jacques

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Les biensfaits de la mer, pour une cuisine d'été originale.
De la lettre « A » comme « Avocats » à la lettre « S » comme « Salade », voici 20 manières différentes, raffinées et faciles de préparer les coquilles Saint-Jacques. En fonction des légumes de saison, cuisinées à l'alcool (Noilly...), à la truffe, à l'ancienne, en soupière ou en salade, ces coquillages se déclinent de mille façons.
Un livre qui nous fait découvrir ou redécouvrir une cuisine simple et créative.

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