The ecomuseums of Indre et Loire


Among the articles devoted to the ecomuseums of the "Great West", all unique and unusual, here are the ecomuseums of Indre et Loire

Ecomuseums, or the sharing of human memory

Since 1968, ecomuseums have become a national and international phenomenon. There are about 300 in the world, including 200 in Europe (including one in Loire Atlantique!). They carry out a mission of research, presentation, conservation and enhancement of properties, activities, professions and know-how. They are active witnesses of the tangible and intangible heritage of a region, a population. 

As a result, each of them is rich in its own unique and unusual particularities.
The « Grand Ouest Insolite », therefore, presents them.

Department by department, you will find the list of ecomuseums, addresses, useful links, and a small description taken from their websites, or documents dedicated to them. 

If you want to discover them all, type "eco-museums" in the small search tool at the top of each page, to the right of the « Grand Ouest Insolite » logo


Savigny en Véron (37) : Écomusée du Véron

The Veron Ecomuseum is labelled "Musée de France"; it is located at the confluence of the Loire and the Vienne rivers and presents collections of recognized national interest. 

In the heart of the Loire Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in buildings typical of the Loire Valley, the museum invites visitors to appropriate and understand the region's tangible and intangible heritage. It offers experiences shared with the public in the form of meetings, visits, workshops and shows that provide unique insights into the exhibitions. 

Archaeological collections to understand the history of mankind, past and present.
One temporary exhibition per year to explore the facets of a territory.
The bocage, a remarkable landscape, art and sustainable development


Écomusée du Véron
37420 Savigny-en-Véron 

Tél. : 02 47 58 09 05


Tours (37) : Musée du Compagnonnage

Municipal and classified as a "Musée de France", the Musée du Compagnonnage, refurbished in the former Saint-Julien de Tours Abbey, houses exceptional collections. Collective masterpieces of the 19th century, masterpieces of patience, the masterpieces that are executed for the reception, but also the attributes of the Companions (canes, water bottles, colours), souvenir paintings, tools, archives, traditions and works of the Companions of the Tour de France, from their origins to the present day are represented.

Periodic activities, exhibitions, thematic visits, activities for children make it a lively place. The collections, particularly contemporary works, are often renewed...

The Companionship is registered by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity.


Musée du Compagnonnage de Tours
8, rue Nationale
37000 Tours
Tél. : 02 47 21 62 20




To go further....

37 Célébrités d'Indre-et-Loire

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Nous avons arbitrairement privilégié un choix montrant la variété professionnelle tout en alternant célébrités incontournables, saint Martin, Foulques Nerra, Rabelais, Ronsard, Balzac, Marie de l'Incarnation, le Dr Bretonneau, l'imprimeur Alfred Mame, le polémiste Paul-Louis Courier, la cantatrice Mado Robin, l'ancien maire de Tours Jean Royer... et personnages un peu moins connus comme Jeanne-Marie de Maillé, Jean de Bueil, Georges Delpérier, André Theuriet, Jules Baric, Jeanne d'Orliac, Jean Tulasne...
La Touraine

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Associer un historien de la Touraine à un photographe épris de cette même région pour offrir au lecteur un livre qui soit l’ambassadeur de ce « Jardin de la France », tel était le défi à relever. Tout, aujourd'hui, grâce à nos deux auteurs, est réuni pour que le lecteur ait entre ses mains, le plus agréable des condensés de l'histoire de la Touraine. À travers leurs coups de cœur respectifs, textes et illustrations rebondissent dans l'espace. Personnages historiques, artistes, écrivains, monuments, paysages magnifient cette région privilégiée qui a vu s'écrire quelques-unes des plus belles pages de notre histoire nationale.
Balzac : « Honte à qui n'admirerait pas ma joyeuse, ma belle, ma brave Touraine, dont les sept vallées ruissellent d'eau et de vin. »

Also to be seen in the department

La Boite Noire

Small erotic formats, in Tours

placeTours - Indre-et-Loire 
label Tourism, sports and cultural activities People from here Museums & Collections Amazing... isn't it?  
Le Château de Montpoupon

The Venery Museum at the Château de Montpoupon

placeCéré-la-Ronde – Indre-et-Loire  
label Tourism, sports and cultural activities Gardens, discovery and leisure activities Museums & Collections Castles & Monuments  
L’Atelier d’Offard

Wallpaper... on the board!

placeTours – Indre-et-Loire 
label Tourism, sports and cultural activities Small trades People from here  
Château de Cinq-Mars-La-Pile

Cinq-Mars-La-Pile, une petite ville, une pile, un château et des légendes

placeCinq-Mars-La-Pile - Indre-et-Loire 
label Legends, stories & Treasures Castles & Monuments Huts, houses, igloos, cottages and co cities and villages  

Discover the regions of the Great West