The Jacquin snails

Snails to be greeted respectfully...

Yes, respectfully, because they deserve it: they have obtained the national agri-food prize for women entrepreneurs, and this prize, in December 2008, was awarded at Paul Bocuse's house! So... respect!


A farm to visit slowly!

Yes, slowly, at a snail's pace! An unusual visit, certainly, but also highly educational! Because you will learn everything about the different phases of snail breeding, which, after hibernation, go through reproduction, egg laying, birth, and, of course, growth, which takes place in an outdoor park with a quite traditional food, cereals, alfalfa... happiness!



But, if it was simply a question of raising snails, it would be too easy! You have to prepare them. And this is where Maryse's recipes come in... Here is one that she makes available to visitors: you make a reduction of fresh cream, in which you incorporate a grated dry goat cheese. Add salt and pepper and the snails, which have been cooked in court-bouillon. Then, you present to the plate, or on a square of puff pastry... good appetite!


Snails the Jacquin
Domaine de la Madeleine
18190 Chambon
Phone : 02 48 60 45 30


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To go further....

L'escargot Helix aspersa: Biologie-élevage

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Le petit-gris, Helix aspersa, très recherché par les gastronomes, et que l'on trouve en grande partie sur le territoire français, est étudié sous l'angle biologique et zootechnique. L'éleveur pourra y puiser des réflexions pour mettre en œuvre son élevage et en assurer un suivi rigoureux. Au fil des pages, il est incité à interroger ses propres pratiques.
L'amateur ou le simple curieux des gastéropodes se réjouira de découvrir plus largement l'histoire de l'escargot et les bienfaits de ses qualités culinaires. Incontournable dans le domaine de l'héliciculture, cet ouvrage de référence propose un tour d'horizon complet et concis sur le petit-gris et invite de nouveaux chercheurs à poursuivre le travail.

Also to be seen in the department


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