The Museum of the Best Workers of France

A meeting of excellence...

This museum is unique in France.
Since 1995, it has been housed in the former archiepiscopal palace, opposite the cathedral.
You will see more than 300 masterpieces, the fruit of the know-how of the "Meilleurs ouvriers de France" (Best Craftsmen of France), from more than 200 different trades.
As each work presented is unique, it is strictly impossible to describe this place of excellence!

You simply have to go there and admire it!


Museum of the Best Craftsmen of France
Former archbishop's palace
Place Etienne-Dolet
18000 Bourges
Tel : 02 48 57 82 45




To go further....


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Publié à l'occasion de l'exposition Les Meilleurs Ouvriers de France, ce "catalogue-enquête" propose une exploration originale des gestes techniques d'excellence. Mêlant récits de vie, études sur le savoir pratique et pièces de collection, il donne â voir les matières, les outils et les corps qui oeuvrent â la Fabrication du monde.

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