The donkey party!

Tradition and good mood...

There are, like that, from time to time, good-natured parties, parties that are good to live! Festivals with a passion!

It is the case of the donkey festival of Poulaines, which, every year at Easter, since about forty years, attracts people from all over the region... and from much further away!
And everyone laughs and claps their hands in front of the tests to decide between the donkeys! And here we go for the donkey rides, for the carriage rides, for the brass band, of course, for the shared meals, for the local products, of course, for the chatty and animated flea market!
And then, after the festival, a little cure of calm for your eyes and your ears: you are just a step away from the domain of Poulaines, and its marvelous arboretum...


Poulaines Town Hall
Tel : 02 54 40 93 14


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To go further....

Le grand guide de soins pour les ânes

Click on the image

- l'anatomie de l'âne
- la santé de l'âne: les soins à pratiquer soi-même, administration des médicamenrs et pharmacie de l'éleveur
- l'alimentation
- les pathologies par appareil
- la reproduction
- les plantes toxiques
Je veux un âne !

Click on the image

Ce guide permettra à tous ceux qui vivent à la campagne et souhaitent installer un âne dans leur pré (2000 m2 suffisent !) de bien choisir leur animal et d’en prendre soin qu’il s’agisse d’un âne de « compagnie » ou d’un futur compagnon de randonnée.

Also to be seen in the department

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