Peasant baker, author, actor!

What a nice meeting!

Obviously, as I progress in the writing of the "Grand Ouest Insolite", I discover events or places... unusual! Or people who are no less unusual! And this is really the case with Dominique Grandjouan, who introduces himself as a peasant baker, a description to which we must also add author and actor! It is the story of someone who, with logic and determination, goes to the end of his convictions... see more...


Peasant baker...

First, he runs a farm, and grows wheat.
Until then, normal... well no!
In a spirit of return to the roots, the wheat he grows is old wheat, whose names are not well known today! Ten varieties cohabit and help each other in his fields (at the same time, his wife raises horses... who appreciate his straw and wheat bran! Complementarity!)
Then, he stores his wheat, which will go to the mill, with a stone millstone that preserves the wheat germ...
What happens next? Afterwards, we come to the cooking, and thus to the oven. The oven, there was probably one, since the farm is about 200 years old... but there was no more! So, 3 meters long, 2 meters wide, with a shape a bit like a drop of water... He built it himself!
And for the cooking? He raises the oven in temperature, by making it burn wood during 1h30 approximately, which brings it to 300° (with a small "trick" to make sure to be at the good temperature... he will explain you on the spot!).
And we put it in the oven! And we wait about 45 minutes! And here is a bread whose manufacturing process has respected the ancestral know-how from beginning to end... a sourdough bread, with its qualities of taste, pleasant flavor, with a crunchy crust, and which keeps much longer than the bread with chemical yeast.

Bread is about sharing. Also, in this spirit, twice a week, our farmer baker has created a space to sell strictly local products from his neighboring producers!


Author, actor...

Dominique Grandjouan does not stop at sharing bread: he also shares, once a month, good moments of exchange, convivial, during which we will start by tasting, of course, his breads, with some accompaniments... and then we will go to a small room, to follow the bouncing humor, the words that twirl in an oral ping-pong of a play that he wrote himself, and that he performs in company of a friend. And it's not sad! And the spectator can't be more immersed in the show than in this small room of 35 people!
It's called the "Theatro'fournil".
I asked him if he was tempted by larger venues, even though I already suspected the answer... no, his small venue, and the spectators so close, is better!
Most importantly, if you're ever in the area, ask around and go!
People like that, moments like that, it's not even unusual anymore: it's rare!


The " Théatro'fournil " (Theatrical bakery)
Dominique Grandjouan
44320 Saint-Viaud

Tel : 06 63 06 05 16.


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To go further....

Pains du monde

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Le pain est un aliment universel qui constitue la base du régime quotidien de nombreuses cultures. Composé de farine, d’eau, de sel et de levure, il a su s’adapter au fil du temps aux spécificités de chacun : farine de blé, de seigle, de maïs, de manioc ou encore sans gluten !
Baguette, pain d’épices, pain pita, soda bread, obwarzanek, pain bao, paratha, bun, bagel… Découvrez des recettes classiques et originales pour réussir vos pains faits maison tout en voyageant à travers le monde, de l’Amérique à L’Asie en passant par l’Europe et le Moyen-Orient.
Le Grand Livre du Pain

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Vous souhaitez découvrir les secrets d’Éric Kayser pour réaliser vous-même les meilleurs pains ? Des farines traditionnelles et atypiques, de l’eau, du levain et son tour de main : découvrez son univers et suivez les recettes pas à pas !
Avec ce livre, Éric Kayser vous invite à partager sa vision de la boulangerie artisanale de qualité en réalisant une multitude de pains avec des farines remises au goût du jour, aux nombreux bienfaits nutritifs et aux saveurs affirmées, et toujours au levain naturel – sa marque de fabrique !
Coffret Traité de boulangerie

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Avec le volume 1, Thomas Teffri-Chambelland livre pour la première fois au grand public les connaissances théoriques nécessaires pour mieux comprendre les phénomènes de panification. Biologie de la farine, du sel et de l'eau, biologie et analyse du levain, analyse de la structure et qualités nutritionnelles du pain au levain : autant de sujets illustrés de schémas et traités avec pédagogie pour vous donner toutes les bases fondamentales à l'exercice de la boulangerie.

Le second volume vous accompagnera durablement dans votre pratique boulangère de professionnel ou d'amateur. Vous y découvrirez une description technique des différentes étapes de la panification ainsi que de nombreuses recettes de pains au levain à base de farines de blé, de seigle et de farines sans gluten telles celles de riz et de sarrasin. Vous y trouverez également des recettes de viennoiseries au levain dont celle du fameux panettone. Au total, plus de 35 recettes accompagnées de pas à pas illustrés.

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