The " Berry insolite " is out ! It's heavy stuff!

This expression a little familiar applies perfectly to the "Berry insolite"! Indeed, with 240 pages, with 125 discoveries... and with its 750 grams, this book is heavy!


An unusual content, obviously !

"Berry insolite" proposes you to discover amazing parks and gardens, to admire unknown places and remarkable buildings, to meet craftsmen, artists, and local characters, to visit thematic museums and rural ecomuseums, to take part in events and shows, to cross the big and the small stories, in short, to taste the life... and the local products!


More precisely...

More precisely? Well, at random, "Berry insolite" proposes you to walk with the enchanting poet, to discover magical marshes and vegetable gardens, to solve (maybe!) " The mysteries of Bourges ", to hear the story of the beast of Tendu-Mosnay, to have a drink in a bistro that rolls, to party with your witches and wizards (from Berry, of course !), to taste a mint tea (yes, in Berry, of course ! ), to meet Napoleon at the Bertrand museum, to take part in the chestnut festival, to have fun in a farm theater, to visit the castle of Valençay, but in sugar, to get married on Saint Valentine's day... among others!


How to find it ?

"Berry insolite" is on sale in bookstores, and on the platforms Amazon, Fnac... and on the publisher's website.

Amazon :

Fnac :

Geste edition :


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To go further....

Berry insolite

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En 240 pages, 125 articles documentés pour 125 découvertes du patrimoine et de la culture locale du Berry. Pour découvrir des parcs et jardins étonnants, rencontrer des artisans, artistes, et personnages locaux, admirer des lieux inconnus et bâtiments remarquables, visiter des musées thématiques et écomusées ruraux, participer aux activités, événements, et spectacles, croiser la grande et la petite histoire, goûter la vie régionale, et les produits locaux... Dans tout le département, il a été recherché ce qui sort de l’ordinaire, et donc créé la surprise, l’intérêt, l’émotion.

Also to be seen in the department

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The Venice of Berry

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Le Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle

The National Museum of Natural History ?

placeObterre - Indre 
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