The largest fortress in Europe...


Let's say it right now, Vauban, for once, had nothing to do with it! I guess he had to take his RTTs... ! Not even a small modification, not a single fortification! However, something was missing, since it missed the biggest fortress in Europe, with its 2 hectares!


Since the 11th century....

It was in the 11th century that the castle was fortified, built on a rocky promontory emerging from a swamp in which one hoped to see the enemies wading.

Thus placed at the steps of Brittany, the fortress could face the invaders, whether French or Norman.

It had a rather turbulent life because, between the 11th and 15th centuries, it was besieged many times, more or less demolished and ravaged, rebuilt, etc. at the same time, if we want a peaceful life, we do not work as a fortress, but as a guest house!

The numerous tribulations that the fortress has undergone present us, nevertheless, a beautiful advantage: from demolitions to multiple reconstructions, it is a true complete panorama of military architecture that finally reaches us, with its successive stages, its technical improvements (ah... the machicolation!), the evolution of strategies...

The whole, combined with the very spectacular character emanating from the enormity of the buildings, constitutes a place that really deserves a stop for a moment....


Château de Fougères
Place Pierre Symon,
35300 Fougères
Service Patrimoine de la Ville de Fougères

Tél. : 02 99 99 79 59


To go further....

Bretagne : 40 belles balades

Click on the image

Entre la forêt, la lande, les falaises et la mer, la nature bretonne étonne par sa diversité. Le livre Belles balades Bretagne vous propose 40 circuits courts et faciles d'accès pour découvrir les secrets de la région (Monts d'Arrée, forêt de Brocéliande, côte de granite rose, îles de Bretagne...)
Pour la première fois, un guide exploite la qualité visuelle et tactile du livre (superbes photos grand format, plaisir de feuilleter) et toutes les possibilités pratiques du Numérique (géolocalisation, son et vidéo, interactivité...).

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