Bertrand du Guesclin and the castle of Montmuran

Bertrand du Guesclin

The continuous news channel of the time, namely the trouvère Cuvelier, said of him that he was "the ugliest child that there was from Rennes to Dinan", which is always a pleasure!

But there must have been some truth in it, since, much later, when he was knighted, he took as his motto "Courage gives what beauty refuses". That's all to say....

It is obviously the constable Bertrand du Guesclin we are talking about, the one whose legend has come to us.

It begins, it is said, with a tournament that takes place in Rennes, and in which he is banned from participating. And then one of his cousins, defeated, lent him his equipment, and hop, on the track, the visor of his helmet down, and without any coat of arms. He managed to beat twelve knights successively, or fifteen according to the sources (according to the police, or according to the demonstrators... already!). In short, it was a feat until, in the face of a new opponent, he lowered his spear as a sign of respect, refusing to fight his own father!

From there, he led a life of battles, often winning, sometimes defeated and then having to pay ransom. The "professional path" of the one who was named "the black dog of Brocéliande" is extremely complicated, and we see characters like Pierre le Cruel, Charles V, the Black Prince or the Great Companies passing through it...


...and the castle of Montmuran?

Well, it is in this castle that du Guesclin, having shown, at the tip of the sword, that it was good to respect it, was knighted by the knight Alacres de Marès in 1357.

But he will come back to it later, and will even become its legitimate owner. Indeed, in 1374 he married Jeanne de Laval, and so became the owner... by marriage!

As for you, you can visit it, of course. But you can also, like Guesclin, get married there. The family that still owns it, and maintains it, offers to rent it. The... historical class!


Route Chateaubriand en Bretagne

Circuit touristique de Tinténiac-Montmuran

Château de Montmuran

35630 Les IFFS

Tél. : 02 99 45 88 88


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To go further....

Du Guesclin

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Au-delà des images d'Epinal maintes fois ressassées, est-on sûr de connaître Bertrand Du Guesclin ? Il est aussi l'enfant d'une période agitée, parcourue par la Peste noire et la guerre, emplie de morts mais propice aux ascensions fulgurantes et qui donnera naissance à l'Etat moderne.
Les recherches modernes permettent de mieux saisir le personnage dans son époque, de l'observer se mouvoir au sein de puissants réseaux de fidélité et de protection, de le deviner avide de gloire et soigneux de sa renommée.
Du Guesclin : Images et Histoire

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Il ne s'agit pas ici d'une nouvelle biographie de du Guesclin mais d'une étude sur les liens entre l'image (la représentation) et les images (les supports iconographiques). A travers la glorification ou le rejet de du Guesclin, que montre-t-on de la société, des valeurs du temps ? Comment détourne-t-on le passé à des fins commerciales ou idéologiques ? Véritable passerelle entre art, patrimoine et histoire, ces images portent la signature d'une époque et d'une mentalité. Elles révèlent finalement l'extraordinaire modernité du Moyen Age.

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