The ecomuseums of Calvados

Among the articles devoted to the ecomuseums of the "Great West", all unique and unusual, here are the ecomuseums of Calvados.

Ecomuseums, or the sharing of human memory

Ecomuseums were experimented with in 1968 in National Parks, before becoming a national and international phenomenon. There are about 300 of them in the world, 200 of them in Europe. They carry out research, presentation, conservation and enhancement actions of properties, activities, trades and know-how, which form the tangible and intangible heritage of a region or a population. 

As a result, each of them is rich in its own unique and unusual particularities.
The « Grand Ouest Insolite », therefore, presents them.

Department by department, you will find the list of ecomuseums, addresses, useful links, and a small description taken from their websites, or documents dedicated to them. 

If you want to discover them all, type "eco-museums" in the small search tool at the top of each page, to the right of the « Grand Ouest Insolite » logo.


Vey (14) - Écomusée de l'abeille

Pedagogical farm: to meet the world of bees and beekeeping techniques on a farm of 350 hives.
- Photographic exhibition on bees and beekeeping.
- Glazed hives, video films, tasting and sale of products.

Les Ruchers de la Suisse Normande
GAEC Lionel et Laurence Letellier

14570 Le Vey
Tél. : 02 31 69 46 27


Caen (14) - Musée de Normandie 

The Normandy Museum presents a panorama of the life of the populations throughout Normandy, from prehistory to the great migrations of the early Middle Ages, from the changes in rural areas to the first upheavals in industrial society.
From the first fires to the first monuments, from the Gauls to the Romans, from the Frankish kingdoms to the Saxon pirates... the great history of the formation of a territory precedes the more peaceful evocation of landscapes and habitats, crafts and techniques, costumes and customs... The Museum provides an opportunity to see and understand, over time, everyday objects and practices such as masterpieces of popular arts and traditions.

Musée de Normandie 


14000 Caen
Billetterie : Eglise Saint-Georges du château de Caen
Tél. : 02 31 30 47 60




To go further....

Calvados (France) - Guide Clin d'Oeil

Click on the image

Le département comporte un village parmi Les Plus Beaux Villages de France: Beuvron-en-Auge.
Le département se divise en pays d'accueil touristiques: le Bessin, la Plaine de Caen, le Bocage Virois, la Côte de Nacre, la Côte Fleurie, le Pays d'Auge et la Suisse normande.
Les guides Clin d'Oeil vous présentent les principaux points d'intérêts de nombreuses destinations de voyage de manière claire et concise illustrés par des photos et des cartes.
Calvados Les 30 plus Beaux Sentiers

Click on the image

Les 30 plus beaux sentiers et chemina en Calvados sont réunis dans cet ouvrage. Au programme pour vos prochaines randonnées : découvertes des lieux de mémoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, traversées du bocage normand, visites dans les rues de Caen, Bayeux et Honfleur et promenades dans les gorges de l'Orne aux allures montagnardes.

Also to be seen in the department

War report in 1066: the Bayeux tapestry

placeBayeux - Calvados 
label Museums & Collections  
Le logis seigneurial

Double epic, medieval and industrial, in a single castle

placeCrèvecœur–en-Auge - Calvados 
label Remarkable buildings Gardens, discovery and leisure activities Recreation and animal parks Festivities & festivals, brotherhoods Museums & Collections Castles & Monuments  

Giant minerals and cathedral halls in Caumont L'Eventé

placeCaumont-L'Éventé - Calvados 
label Tourism, sports and cultural activities Major sites Natural curiosities Gardens, discovery and leisure activities  

At the Museum of Automata, things are moving!

placeFalaise – Calvados 
label Tourism, sports and cultural activities Remarkable buildings Gardens, discovery and leisure activities Museums & Collections  

Discover the regions of the Great West