The Domain of Naughty Work...


Like many words in the French language, the word "coquin" has a meaning that has evolved over time. In the beginning, a "coquin" was a rascal, a mischief-maker, and in short, a thief. And then, to steal something from someone can be a joke, a niche, a joke... and the word has taken this rather pleasant meaningthis rather pleasant meaning. "Ah, but you're a little rascal, you ... " will say to a child who has done a trick. And then, from joke to joke, the word also took on a more... let's say... wild meaning!
But then, why the Domaine du Travail Coquin?
Intrigued, I called. And, from the operator's own mouth, I got the explanation, quite unusual: in this place, the soil is not very generous and, part sand, part clay, it easily becomes too dry, or too wet. Also, a harvest can very well start, and then, suddenly, be stolen by this naughty earth, and disappear...


Two centuries of agricultural equipment

It is indeed two centuries of agriculture that you can go through in this Berrichonne farm with its barn with awning, its stables, its mill, its house of former days...
In its eco-museum, a vast set of tools is presented to you, corresponding to the trades of the milk, the trades of cereals, the trades of the garden, the forest, the vineyard...


The life...

Beyond the tools, the techniques, it is a whole heritage of the past which is very present, a peasant life in evolution with the house, the stables, the bread oven...
The local soil may be naughty, but men, from the Neolithic to nowadays, have known how to adapt to it, and this is what you will feel through the authenticity of a visit...


Domaine du Travail Coquin
Séverine and Didier Géry
18290 Plou
Phone : 02 48 26 21 58


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Le musée participatif: L'ambition des écomusées

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Légendes et patrimoine de l'Indre

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