"Between sky and water", Dumet Island

Dumet Island, doubly classified

It is obviously the words of this beautiful song that come to mind when you approach this confetti on the water.

The only maritime island in the Loire-Atlantique department, it is located a few strokes from the coast of Piriac-sur-Mer.

With its modest 8 ha, it is fragile! It is doubly classified as an "unbuildable natural area" and a "special protection area for birds".

Seeing it so quiet, it is hard to believe that its geographical location, between the mouth of the Loire and the Vilaine, made it a strategic point, which has therefore been the scene of many landings and battles. She saw the Venetians, the Saxons, the Vikings, the Spanish, the English, and some pirates of various nationalities pass through before receiving, now... tourists!


Dumet Island, carefully protected

And, while we are very happy to see them discover such a pleasant place, and to experience happiness there, the organizations in charge of the island's management have difficulty controlling a frequentation that, sometimes, causes some damage.

As well, some areas are closed to the public, and others are protected for gull breeding. It is therefore recommended to stay on the authorized trails to protect flora and fauna.


Tourist Office
La Baule - Guérande peninsula
tourist information office in Piriac-sur-Mer
7, Rue des Cap-horniers
44,420 Piriac-sur-Mer
Phone : 02 40 23 51 42



To go further....

L'Île Dumet ou Quatrebras-le-Diable

Click on the image

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